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Aside from my previous projects, volunteer works and activities, I would like to share my interests as well.

Film photography

I started my film photography in 2020 when I received a reusable film camera as my birthday gift. It was a new experience for me as I usually take pictures by phone or digital camera. As soon as I used it, I realized that it made me want to discover more about the surroundings. Every click, each shot, has its moment and meaning I would cherish. 

Digital illustration

It all starts from I doddle randomly on my smartphone. At first, it was difficult compared to drawing traditionally, as it takes time to familiarize myself with the tablet's surface and pen. However, the more I illustrate, the longer I find it interesting. Also, it is much easier for me to have a digital file rather than scan the original copy of the drawing. 

Bake & Cook

When I was young, I used to enter the kitchen frequently and was curious about what my mum working on. Slicing? Frying? Stirring? I was so amazed how my mum was able to come out with scrumptious food all the time. Since then, I learned it from my mum, Google and YouTube. What I found out from cooking is that food brings happiness to people, and so am I. 

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SWOT Analysis


  • Detail-oriented

  • Great team player, at the same time able to work independently as well

  • Scrupulous in separating professional and private matters


  • Weak in writing

  • Lack of confidence in public speaking

  • Tend to overthink situations in the negative direction


  • Meet new people through volunteer and extracurricular activities


  • Work quality affected by free-riders during group work

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